The St. Eugene's Newsletter

Home Learning Packs

Home Learning Packs


Dear Parents/Guardians, You will have already received Literacy and Numeracy packs for your child, but due to the announcement of the prolonged closure we would like to equip you with additional resources for all classes. P6 packs will contain Transfer Test papers if you wish to avail of these.

The packs will be available at the front door of the school TOMORROW (Friday 20th) between 1.30 and 2.30pm. The packs will have your child’s name on the front and will be in boxes for each class.

We ask that you collect your pack and leave again promptly in order to follow social distancing guidelines. It is understandable to be feeling overwhelmed about having to home school your child, so we encourage you to adopt a pace that suits your home life. A sample schedule will be provided, which you can use as a guide. You are not expected to be a teacher and you can only do your best.

Remember your children are only children for a very short time and it is important to enjoy your days together too. Days when you have TIME, something that is so precious. Do not feel under pressure to complete all of the work set. Laugh, play and have fun (do all of the things that we as staff will miss greatly, from getting to spend our days with your wonderful children).

An email address will be made available to you in due course for communication and we will continue to update our Facebook page and website for those of you with internet at home.

The most important thing for now is to take care and look after your families. We look forward to opening our doors again in the future and filling our now empty classrooms with laughter, fun and great times once again.❤

Yours Sincerely Laura Gormley and all the staff at St Eugene’s PS.

If there's something you want to know but you can't find it on here, then feel free to get in touch
